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Ken Berman Presents on Witness Preparation at ABA’s ‘2016 Section of Litigation Annual Conference’

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Kenneth R. Berman, a partner in Nutter’s Litigation Department and co-chair of the firm’s Business Litigation practice group, presented at the American Bar Association’s (ABA) “2016 Section of Litigation Annual Conference” on April 14. Ken presented on the subject of witness preparation in a program called “Town Hall Debate: Witness Preparation Re-examined.” The panel focused on traditional witness preparation instructions, such as clients keeping answers short, not volunteering and not answering ambiguous questions, and a new school of thought that believes they belong in the past. Thought leaders debated each other and the audience on old vs. new ways of preparing clients to testify.

The ABA Section of Litigation annual conference brings together lawyers and judges from across the country for the latest in trial skills, featuring over 30 CLE programs, 100 nationally known speakers, and a variety of networking events, and provides exceptional CLE and valuable networking opportunities.

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