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World Trademark Review Honors Nutter as a Top Trademark Firm in the 2022 WTR 1000

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Nutter was recognized in the silver category in the 2022 WTR 1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals, the definitive guide to trademark professionals published by the World Trademark Review (WTR). According to the guide, “Nutter has expanded its focus on brands and runs a dynamic practice managing global IP portfolios for diverse companies.”

Pat Concannon and Mark Leonardo, partners in Nutter’s Intellectual Property Department, were highlighted in the guide’s description. Pat was named to the silver category in the “Individuals: Prosecution and Strategy” and “Individuals: Enforcement and Litigation” rankings. He was described as “meticulous and hands-on in a way that ensures consistency; he doesn’t automatically push work down, but is smart in the way he leverages his team and manages things in a way that makes sense and offers the best value to clients.” The guide noted that Mark performs “high-quality work” in “monitoring intense…competitor activity worldwide.”

The WTR 1000 analyzes the local trademark legal services markets in more than 70 jurisdictions worldwide, profiling the firms and individuals singled out as leaders in their respective fields. To arrive at the rankings, researchers evaluated factors such as depth of expertise, market presence, and the level of work, alongside positive peer and client feedback.

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