
Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

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  • "In differentiation, not in uniformity, lies the path of progress.”

     -Louis Brandeis

  • Making Diversity a Priority at Nutter
    Nutter's efforts are led by its Diversity and Inclusion Committee -- composed of both current and former members of our Executive, Legal Personnel and Hiring Committees and associates.

  • At Nutter, we believe that “differentiation” -- what we call “diversity” -- fosters the highest quality legal service, the strongest client relationships, and the broadest community involvement. We strive, then, to ensure that traditionally underrepresented groups work at every level of the firm and to advance our position as a leader in the Boston-wide effort to build a legal community that reflects the wider communities we serve.

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Nutter’s commitment to diversity spans from its top management to its roots. We strive to ensure that traditionally underrepresented groups work at every level of our firm. 

The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee, which is composed of partners, staff, and associates, focuses on:

  • Setting firm-wide expectations for an inclusive culture
  • Recruiting and retaining traditionally underrepresented groups
  • Applying best practices from other institutions and industries
  • Challenging the status quo
  • Assessing the firm’s successes and identifying areas for improvement
  • Communicating the Committee’s mission, the action it requires, and the success it promises

Nutter has a more than 140-year history of recruiting and retaining talented and qualified people, regardless of race, gender, color, age, disability, religion, ancestry, sexual orientation, national origin, or marital or parental status.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee Leadership

Johanna Wise Sullivan

Ian Roffman


Sarah Turano-Flores


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