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Nutter tops the list in Vault’s “Best Midsize Law Firms to Work For” ranking

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Nutter is pleased to announce that the firm has topped the list in Vault’s first ever "Best Midsize Law Firms to Work For" rankings, a title earned through high ratings in Vault’s numerous quality of life categories, including firm culture, satisfaction, compensation, training, hours, and career outlook, among others. The rankings are derived from Vault’s Law Firm Associate Survey, in which more than 17,000 associates rated and commented on various aspects of their work life.

Associates at Nutter rave about their firm, telling Vault that “in terms of smart, friendly colleagues, quality client work, and decent hours, you can’t do much better,” also noting that “communication from firm leadership is regular and forthright.” Another strength for Nutter is its training and mentoring, with one associate observing that “the firm has a very good structured mentoring program for summer associates and junior associates, who receive associate and partner mentors. The relationships formed between mentors and mentees often lasts well beyond the formal program.”

The rankings were calculated using a formula that weighs associate ratings in eleven different areas: Overall Satisfaction (25%); Hours (10%); Compensation (10%); Substantive Work (10%); Business Outlook (10%); Firm Culture (10%); Career Outlook (5%); Associate/Partner Relations (5%); Leadership Transparency (5%); Formal Training (5%); and Informal Training, Mentoring & Sponsorship (5%).

To view the rankings, click here.

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