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Nutter Attorneys Chair ABA’s Federal Rules Amendments Roadshow

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Kenneth R. Berman, and Christopher H. Lindstrom, partners in Nutter’s Litigation Department, will serve as co-chairs of the Boston “Rules Amendment Roadshow,” co-presented by the American Bar Association Section of Litigation (ABA) and the Duke Law Center for Judicial Studies on May 13. The program “Hello ‘Proportionality,’ Goodbye ‘Reasonably Calculated’: Reinventing Case Management and Discovery Under the 2015 Civil Rules Amendments” focuses on the 2015 Amendments to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 16, 26, 34 and 37, which are the most significant changes to discovery and case management practices in more than a decade. Ken will also serve as a speaker.

This unprecedented, 18-city series of dialogues, led by national thought leaders and including local judges, magistrates, and top practitioners in each city intends to further the understanding of the case-management techniques that will help courts and litigants realize the Amendments’ full potential to make discovery more targeted, less expensive, and more effective in achieving justice. Each program features leaders from the Rules amendment process, who will walk the audience through the Amendments and their implications for civil litigation. Panel discussions among local District Court Judges, Magistrate Judges, and leading litigators then explore the Amendments’ practical discovery implications and best practices for case management under the amended Rules. The Roadshow will discuss application of the new rules to a variety of hypothetical cases and attendees will leave with a toolbox of techniques for putting the Amendments into practice. Program highlights include an overview of FRCP Amendments, real world application of the scope of discovery, case management techniques, and Rule 37 changes.

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