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Inspiring Collaborations: How Nonprofits and For-Profits Partner to Drive Success

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Sponsored by Nutter's Nonprofit and Social Impact Practice Group

Venture Philanthropy. Double Bottom Line. Social Entrepreneurship. Social Innovation. These concepts emerged from the recent wave of collaborations among the most forward-thinking leaders in the nonprofit and for-profit worlds. Nonprofits are partnering with for-profit businesses and each other in creative ways to solve social challenges and enhance the vitality of our communities while pursuing their mutual objectives – doing well by doing good.

Join us for this unique opportunity to learn from top executives at organizations that are paving the way in achieving these synergies – in fundraising, cause marketing, impact investing, leveraging capital and outreach. Our panel of preeminent sector leaders from across the country will share their firsthand experiences, best practices, and industry expertise on how organizations and companies that collaborate drive success.


Richard C. Shadyac Jr., President & Chief Executive Officer, ALSAC (the fundraising and awareness organization for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital)

Sandra Urie, Chairman, Emeritus, Cambridge Associates

David Levin, President & Chief Executive Officer, Destination XL Group, Inc.

Joshua J. Mintz, Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, MacArthur Foundation


Paul Ayoub, Partner, Nutter, Immediate Past Chair, National Board of Directors, ALSAC (the fundraising and awareness organization for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital)

Event Details:

Friday, October 20, 2017

7:30 am - 8:00 am: Registration and Networking

8:00 am - 10:00 am: Program and Q&A

Breakfast will be provided.


155 Seaport Blvd

Boston, MA


This event is at capacity. To register for the wait list, click here.

Nutter’s Nonprofit and Social Impact practice group provides a wide range of services to both nonprofit organizations and individuals and businesses who contribute to such organizations. Among the firm’s clients are national and local public charities, including several educational institutions, healthcare organizations, trade associations, chambers of commerce, social welfare organizations, social clubs and private foundations, as well as generations of philanthropic families. In addition to providing legal advice and expertise in strategic planning, we offer investment advisory, trust accounting and tax preparation services to our charitable clients.

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