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Nutter to Host ‘Co-Manufacturing for Early Stage, High Growth Food and Beverage Companies’ Event

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Nutter will host a lunch seminar on the co-packing industry on May 30. At the event, Jeremy Halpern, a partner and co-chair of Nutter’s Food and Beverage group, and Will Madden, co-founder of Whole Brain Consulting and author of Separating the Con Man from the Co Man, will address the benefits, risks, and traps of working with contract manufacturing partners.

Early stage, high growth food and beverage companies frequently turn to outside partners when launching their brands. These commercial partnerships can be a critical part of ensuring a brand’s success – but they can also be a recipe for disaster. Register above for a discussion of the tactical and strategic issues, from both the business and legal perspectives, surrounding contract manufacturing. Topics will include selection, capabilities, value creation, costs, reputation, exclusivity, risk allocation, goal alignment, non-competition, quality assurance, work flow, scalability, recall management, termination, and equity grants.

Event Details: 
Wednesday, May 30 

155 Seaport Blvd
Boston, MA 02210

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