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Nutter to host The Capital Network’s ‘Venture Fast Track: Fundraising Bootcamp for Entrepreneurs’

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Nutter will host The Capital Network’s (TCN) annual “Venture Fast Track: Fundraising Boot Camp for Entrepreneurs” on June 30. The program is an intensive, interactive full-day seminar designed to provide entrepreneurs and innovators an in-depth understanding of what it takes to raise early stage capital.

Attendees will spend the day learning from and interacting with some of New England’s prominent investors, entrepreneurs, and early-stage leaders through workshops, panels, and discussions. The program will provide attendees with the concrete materials and knowledge that will help move a company forward through the various stages of the fundraising process, as well as a new network of mentors and peers from which to draw.

Several Nutter attorneys are participating in the program, including:

  • Jeremy Halpern, a partner in Nutter’s Emerging Companies Group as well as a TCN board member, will present “Pitches & Decks – Elevator Pitches to Formal Presentations – an Evolution” and “Fine Tune Your Pitch,” which will focus on how to target, locate, approach, and close with venture capitalists, angels, and strategic investors.
  • Will Bernat, a partner in Nutter’s Emerging Companies Group, will present, ”The Terms of Term Sheets.”

The event also features a mentor lunch where experienced mentors with entrepreneurial and early-stage investing background provide added guidance to attendees.

TCN is a non-profit organization that provides extensive financial education alongside an engaged community to help early-stage entrepreneurs in Boston, and strives to help entrepreneurs master the entire funding process to successfully raise seed capital for their startup.

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