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Nutter announces winners of 2015 Nutter Speaker Series for Diversity and Inclusion

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Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP is pleased to announce the following student organizations have been selected for the 2015 Nutter Speaker Series for Diversity and Inclusion:

  • Boston College Law School, Black Law Students Association
  • Boston University School of Law, Black Law Students Association
  • Northeastern University School of Law, Queers United in Radical Rethinking

This marks the second year of the Nutter Speaker Series, which promotes greater learning and understanding of diversity and inclusion issues at Boston-area law schools and throughout the legal community. Each year affinity groups at Boston-area law schools are invited to submit proposals for a student-organized event relating to diversity and inclusion topics. This year, applicants were encouraged to submit proposals that demonstrated collaboration among affinity groups and law schools.

Nutter will work collaboratively with the selected student organizations and provide attorney and staff support as well as sponsorship grants, to plan and implement programs that are interesting and important to the students and the local legal and business communities.

About Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP
Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP is a Boston-based law firm that provides high level legal counsel to clients who range from well-established companies and institutions to early stage entrepreneurs to foundations and high net worth families. The firm was co-founded by Louis D. Brandeis, who later became a justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, and has been in continuous practice for 135 years.

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